
Mariah Jade

Mud-Puddling (2021)

Acrylic on Canvas

16” x 20”

In "Mud-Puddling," I explore the intricate dance of life, death, and rebirth, manifested through the delicate interaction of two butterflies engaging in mud-puddling. Mud-puddling is a natural process where insects such as butterflies absorb minerals from wet soil, dung or carrion. The painting captures the juxtaposition of the ethereal and the corporeal, inviting viewers to confront the enigmatic reality that, while butterflies are revered for their breathtaking beauty, they also draw sustenance from the remains of the deceased. The choice to portray the hand pleasuring a leaf adds a layer of complexity to the narrative, symbolizing the paradoxical beauty of pleasure and pain, life and death.

Through "Mud-Puddling," I aim to challenge conventional perceptions of beauty and provoke contemplation on the profound interconnectedness of all living things. In celebrating the intricate ballet between life and death, pleasure and pain, the painting invites viewers to recognize the inherent beauty in the ceaseless cycle of nature, reminding us that, ultimately, we are not only in nature but an integral part of its ever-evolving symphony.


Moth Nature (2021)


Mojave Desert (2020)