Queen of Tarot
Mariah Jade
Queen of Tarot (2022)
Acrylic on Panel
18” x 24”
This artwork draws inspiration from symbolism of the Tarot card deck, focusing on the archetype of the Queen. In this piece, the Queen is dynamically portrayed with representations of each of the four suits in the Tarot deck: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. These suits carry distinct powers and nuanced meanings, serving as vessels of profound symbolism. The inclusion of the four suits serves as a subtle exploration of the Queen's ability to navigate various aspects of life, each suit symbolizing a different facet of her character and the challenges she may encounter. It serves as a visual celebration that not only pays homage to the wisdom of the Tarot but also offers a nuanced portrayal of the Queen as a powerful and versatile archetype, embodying the complexities of human experience.